Cookies Policy

Fiveofive Virtual Assistant’s (fiveofive) uses cookies on our website to ensure seamless service delivery and provide the best possible experience for clients. Cookies are small pieces of data or text files that our website stores on the device (computer or mobile phone) you use to visit it. We use cookies to keep your preferences in our mind and track your browsing activity. Please continue reading to learn more about our cookie policy. 

Types of Cookies We Use

Here are some types of cookies we use on our website:

  • Essential cookies: You cannot disable these cookies as they are necessary for the smooth functioning of the website. We use these cookies to track your login status and remember your login information, language you use, font size, display preferences, and other actions and preferences.


  • Performance cookies: We use these cookies to gather information about your website usage. This information helps us bring improvement to our website’s performance and ensure seamless service delivery, allowing us to create a better user experience.


  • Targeting cookies: We use these cookies to track your internet usage patterns, enabling us to show you relevant promotional materials.

How to Manage Cookies

You reserve the right to disable cookies on your browser. Remember that taking this action may prevent you from accessing or utilizing some of the most beneficial website features. You can go to your browser settings to manage cookies. You can learn more about how to do this by referring to the instructions for your specific browser.

Visit for more information about cookies.

Contact Us

You can contact us to ask about our cookie policy via email –